2017 MACCDC Scenario
Man vs Machine
An IoT middleware development company, We-B-Smart, just learned that their network has experienced several intrusions over the last several months. This has affected their reputation as a company that develops secure connected applications and smart products. The sources of the intrusions are unknown, however, it is suspected that a competing company, Reds-R-Us has launched a cyber-espionage campaign designed to ruin We-B-Smart’s reputation in the industry and obtain control of their intellectual property. It is further speculated that these attacks have been orchestrated into a complex system that functions without human interaction.
We-B-Smart’s ownership realizes it does not have the required expertise to counteract these attacks so they have brought in 64 individuals who will be distributed in teams throughout the organizations eight facilities. Each team will be responsible for defending and managing the resources at each facility. In addition, teams will be called upon to assist in the application development process. The teams will directly report daily to We-B-Smart’s CEO.
Further damage to the company’s reputation will put it out of business. We-B-Smart is investing all its resources in the teams charged with turning this situation around. The team that does the best job preventing further attacks, managing IT resources and assisting with the development of applications will be rewarded a trip to San Antonio, Texas.
Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
Kossiakoff Center
11100 Johns Hopkins Rd.
Laurel, MD 20723
March 30 – April 1, 2017
2017 Regional Finals Teams

2017 Final Standings
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)*
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Towson University
* UMBC went on to win the National CCDC Championship, the first team from the MACCDC region to win one
2017 Qualifying Teams
- Bloomsburg University, PA
- Capitol Technology University, MD
- Catawba County Community College, NC
- County College of Morris, NJ
- Delaware Technical Community College, DE
- Drexel University, PA
- East Carolina University, NC
- Frederick Community College, MD
- James Madison University, VA
- Liberty University, VA
- Mandfield University, PA
- Millersville University, PA
- Northern Virginia Community College, VA
- Pennsylvania State University, PA
- Prince George’s Community College, MD
- Radford University, VA
- St Vincent College, PA
- Towson University, MD
- University of Maryland, MD
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County, MD
- West Virginia University, WV
- Wilmington University, DE